
Recruitment and Selection

JKSSB finalizes the selections after holding such tests or examinations as may be prescribed under rules. The Board while making selections and allocating candidates to various cadres/departments considers the reservations made from time to time for various categories.

Procedure for Referring Vacancies to the Board

The requisitioning authority refers the vacancies meant for direct recruitment to the Board in case of Non-Gazetted posts in accordance with the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (reference of vacancies and holding of meetings of Departmental Promotion Committees) Rules, 2005, as amended from time to time, for making selection of candidates for appointment to the posts. While referring the vacancies to the Board, the requisitioning authority is expected to adhere to the relevant recruitment rules and the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Act, 2004 and the rules made thereunder.

Procedure for Selection

  • The Board/Selection Committee conducts OMR/ written test/ CBT for all the advertised posts.
  • The Board/Selection Committee, based on the merit obtained by the candidates in written test/CBT, prepares a merit list of candidates and on the basis of merit obtained by the candidates in the written test, conduct on oral test which may be restricted to five times the number of posts/vacancies advertised.
  • The Board / Selection Committee prepares a Select List equal to the number of posts/vacancies for which requisition was made by the requisitioning authority on the basis of aggregate merit obtained by candidates in the written test and the oral test if applicable).
  • The Board prescribes such proforma(s), as are required for reference of vacancies by, and for communicating the select lists, to the requisitioning authorities from time to time.
  • The respective Selection Committees, while making selections and allocating candidates to various cadres, takes into account the reservations made from time to time for various categories subject to the provisions of rules in vogue.
  • The select list finalized by the respective Committees equal to the number of vacancies for which requisition was made and recommend it to the requisitioning authority with prior approval of the Board.
  • The select list remains in force for a period of one year from the date the select list is sent to the requisitioning authority. “Provided that the validity period of one year of the select list of those selectees whose recommendations/selection is kept withheld by the recruiting agency shall be reckoned from the date of release of their recommendation”.
  • The concerned Selection Committees of the Board also draws up a waiting list of 50% of the total number of posts advertised, which shall extend to 100% where the number of vacancies is 10 (ten) or less. The Selection Committees forwards the waiting list, through the Board, to the requisitioning authority for consideration against drop-out vacancies.
  • The waiting list remains in force for a period of one year from the date the original selection list is sent to the requisitioning authority.The Selection Committees does not maintain or recommend any select or waiting list for any future vacancy or any vacancy caused on account of resignation by any selectee after appointment “Provided that the validity period of one year of waiting list of those selectees whose recommendation/selection is kept withheld by the recruiting agency is reckoned from the date of release of their recommendation”.