J&K Government vide SRO 194 of 1992 dated 18.08.1992 constituted the Jammu and Kashmir Subordinate Services Recruitment Rules 1992, which has subsequently been re-christened as the Service Selection Board by enactment of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Decentralization and Recruitment) Act 2010 dated 10th of May 2010 by the Legislature of the erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Subsequently, the Government of Jammu & Kashmir vide SR0-375 of 2010 dated 21.10.2010 notified the Jammu and Kashmir Civil, Services Decentralization and Recruitment Rules 2010 for smooth discharge of functions and responsibilities entrusted to the Board.
As of now Civil Services Decentralization and Recruitment Act, 2010 as amended by S.O. 1229E of 2020 dt: 31.3.2020 and S.O 1245 dated 3rd April, 2020 is in force.
The Mandate of Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board (JKSSB)
JKSSB is the prime recruiting agency for the Government of Jammu & Kashmir having the mandate of undertaking recruitments, in a fair and transparent manner, to the Non-Gazetted positions, including Class-IV vacancies, as referred to it by various Government Departments. Besides, the Non-Gazetted vacancies of J&K Police Department are also now filled through the JKSSB.
Holds written examinations/interviews, including skill tests wherever required for carrying out recruitment to various posts.
Power to make Regulations
The Rule (15) of the SRO 375 dated: 21.10.2010 provides that the Board may formulate regulations to provide for the procedure and method for carrying out its functions under these rules provided that such regulations approved by the Government in the General Administration Department before their issuance.
In exercise of the powers conferred under the aforesaid provisions of the aforesaid Rules, Board has framed and notified following regulations: -
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (Business and Procedure)
Regulations, 2022.
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (Conduct of Examination)
Regulations, 2022.
Structure & composition
Sub rule (2) of Rule (6) of SRO 375 of 2010 dt 21.10.2010 (as amended by SRO 578 of 2018 dt 17.12.2018) provides that:
The Board shall consist of a Chairman and such number of Members as may be appointed by the Government from time to time.
Rule (8) - The Secretary of the Board shall be appointed by the Government in consultation with the Chairman.
Rule (9) provides that the Government shall determine the nature and categories of other officers and employees required to assist the Board in the discharge of its functions and other employees as it may think fit.
Supervision and Control of the Board
The General Administration Department is the administrative department of the Service Selection Board for the purposes of carrying out transaction of the business in terms of the Jammu and Kashmir Government Business Rules.
Referral of Vacancies
Rule (11) of SRO 375 of 2010 dated: 21.10.2010 provides that: -
The requisitioning authority shall refer the vacancies meant for direct recruitment to the Board in case of Non-Gazetted posts in accordance with the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (reference of vacancies and holding of meetings of Departmental Promotion Committees) Rule 2005, as amended from time to time, for making selection of candidates for appointment to the posts.
While referring the vacancies to the Board, the requisitioning authority shall adhere to the relevant recruitment rules and the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation, Act, 2004 and the rules made thereunder. (The Govt. has amended the J&K, Reservation Rules 2005 and issued SO 127, dated 20th April, 2020).
Advertisement of Posts
The Board shall advertise all UT Cadre/Division Cadre/District Cadre vacancies referred to it by the requisitioning authority and invite applications for selection to the said posts from the domiciles of the Jammu & Kashmir, in terms of the S.O 1229(E) dated 31st March, 2020 issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Besides, this, the applicants are supposed to fulfill other conditions like possessing the prescribed qualification, eligibility and experience, etc. as shall be prescribed by the concerned Indenting Department for any post advertised by the Board.
The Advertisements for all the posts are widely circulated in UT & hosted on the Website of the Board.
Online Applications
The Services Selection Board in keeping with changing times, has switched over to online mode for calling/receiving applications from candidates for various posts advertised by it. Applications for recruitment are invited through online mode. The instructions for filling up online applications are hosted on the Board’s website. Candidates are instructed that the applications not filled correctly, completely and as per the instructions are liable to be rejected and the onus of such rejection would be on the candidates.
The candidates are advised to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam.
The JKSSB does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Board.
Syllabus and criteria
After advertisement of posts, the Board notifies the syllabus of written examination and criteria to be adopted for selection for the information of the participating / competing candidates. The syllabi and criteria are finalized in consultation with the respective Indenting Departments and technical experts/specialists, if required.
Method of recruitment
Recruitment is made by the Direct Recruitment mode.
Examination procedure
As per SO. 180 dated 28th April, 2020, followed by S.O 370 dt:10.08.2022, and S.O 36 dt:14.02.2025, there shall be no oral test for posts up to and including Pay Level -5 (Rs. 29200-92300) and the posts coming under the purview of aforementioned orders and the selection for all such post shall be made on the basis of written test only with further stipulation that Trade test / skill test wherever prescribed shall continue to be held as per the relevant recruitment rules.
In terms of J&K Services Selection Board (Conduct of Examinations) Regulations,2022, the Board conducts written examination, through OMR.
The written examination is conducted in the form of Objective type Multiple Choice Questions in the OMR mode.
The Board also conducts Skill Test (Type test/Steno test/driving test) as well as Physical Fitness Test for the various posts as mentioned in their respective Recruitment Rules.
The Board conducts interviews of candidates in respect of those posts in respect for whom interview process has not been dispensed with by the Govt.
Website of the Board
The most commonly used means of communication nowadays is the internet. The Board has been using its official website jkssb.nic.in to share all sort of information to the candidates. The information regarding issuance of fresh advertisement notices, hoisting of admit cards, uploading of notices for various examinations, conduct of written examination, uploading of answer keys, representations regarding answer keys are invited online, examination results, shortlisting of candidates, uploading of selection lists, release of withheld recommendations and other notices etc. which are issued from time to time by the Board for the general information of candidates, is just a click away.
Information under RTI Act,2005
For providing information to the members of the public under RTI Act,2005, Public Information Officers (PIOs) and First Appellate Authority (FAA) have been nominated by the Board. Their names, designation, telephone number and the subject matter dealt with by them are available on the official website of the Board.